p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize | | Perl5 module providing testing-specific WWW::Mechanize subclass |
p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst | | Test::WWW::Mechanize for Catalyst |
p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-PSGI | | Perl 5 module to test PSGI programs using WWW::Mechanize |
p5-Text-CSV-Hash (V) | | Perl5 module for hash based CSV usage |
p5-Text-Substitute (V) | | Perl5 module for text substitution from hashes |
p5-Twiggy | | AnyEvent HTTP server for PSGI |
p5-URI | | Perl5 Uniform Resource Identifiers class (URI, RFC 2396) |
p5-URI-Escape-XS | | Escape and unescape unsafe characters in URIs |
p5-URI-Fetch | | Perl module to intelligently fetch syndication feeds |
p5-URI-Find | | Perl5 module to find URIs in arbitrary text |
p5-URI-FromHash | | Build a URI from a set of named parameters |
p5-VRML | | Set of VRML classes for Perl |
p5-Vroom (V) | | Slide Shows in Vim |
p5-Web-Scraper | | Perl 5 Web Scraping Toolkit inspired by Scrapi |
p5-WordPress-XMLRPC | | Perl 5 API to WordPress XML-RPC services |
p5-WWW-Amazon-Wishlist | | Perl5 module to get details from your Amazon wishlist |
p5-WWW-Curl | | Perl binding interface for curl |
p5-WWW-Facebook-API | | Facebook API implementation |
p5-WWW-Mechanize | | Automates web page form & link interaction |
p5-WWW-Mechanize-GZip | | Perl 5 module to fetch webpages with gzip-compression |
p5-WWW-Mechanize-Timed | | Perl 5 module for timing Mechanize requests |
p5-WWW-Pastebin-PastebinCom-Create | | Paste to <http://pastebin.com> from Perl |
p5-WWW-Pastebin-RafbNet-Create | | Create new pastes on http://rafb.net/ from Perl |
p5-WWW-RobotRules | | Perl 5 module database of robots.txt-derived permissions |
p5-WWW-Shorten | | Perl 5 module interface to URL shortening sites |
paros | | HTTP/HTTPS proxy for assessing web application vulnerabilities |
pear-HTML_Common | | Base PHP class for other HTML classes |
pear-HTML_Select | | PHP class for generating HTML form select elements |
pear-HTML_TreeMenu | | PHP class for generating tree menus |
pear-HTTP | | PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions |
pear-HTTP_Request | | PHP classes to provides an easy way to perform HTTP requests |
php-apc | | Alternative PHP Cache |
php-concrete5 | | Open sourece Content Management System |
php-curl | | PHP extension for curl functions |
php-eaccelerator | | PHP accelerator, optimizer, encoder and dynamic content cache |
php-fpm | | FPM interface for PHP5.4 |
php-owncloud | | Web services under your control |
php-phrasea2 | | Digital asset management |
php-piwigo | | Piwigo is photo gallery software for the web |
php-soycms | | Flexible and pluggable CMS |
php-sugarcrm | | Open source CRM |
php-suhosin (V) | | Advanced protection system for PHP installations |
php-tidy | | PHP extension for tidy functions |
php-tiki6 | | Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware web-based application |
php-tt-rss | | Tiny Tiny RSS is an open source web-based RSS feed reader |
php-uploadprogress | | PHP extension to track progress of a file upload |
php-zendoptimizerplus | | Zend opcode cache and optimizer for PHP |
phraseanet | | Digital asset management |
phraseanet-indexer | | Digital asset management |
pound | | Reverse proxy, load balancer and HTTPS front-end |
privoxy | | Web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities |
py-beautifulsoup | | HTML/XML Parser for Python |
py-beautifulsoup4 | | HTML/XML Parser for Python, version 4 |
py-bleach | | Easy whitelist-based HTML-sanitizing tool |
py-blosxom | | PyBlosxom is a lightweight file-based weblog system |
py-bottle | | Fast, simple and lightweight WSGI micro web-framework for Python |
py-cherrypy | | CherryPy is a pythonic, object-oriented HTTP framework |
py-clearsilver | | Fast, powerful, language-neutral HTML template system |
py-ClientForm | | Python module for handling HTML forms on the client side |
py-creole (V) | | Creole <-> HTML converter |
py-curl | | Python module interface to the cURL library |
py-cx_Oracle (V) | | Oracle binding for Python |
py-django | | Django, a high-level Python Web framework |
py-django-appconf | | Helper class for handling configuration defaults of Django |
py-django-appmedia | | Handling django app media |
py-django-classy-tags | | Class based template tags for Django |
py-django-cms | | Django content management system |
py-django-cmsplugin_gallery | | DjangoCMS image gallery plugin |
py-django-easy-thumbnails | | Easy thumbnails for Django |
py-django-inline-ordering | | Django app to ease ordering of related data |
py-django-mezzanine-filebrowser | | django-filebrowser for Mezzanine CMS |
py-django-mezzanine-grappelli | | Snapshot of the Grappelli admin skin for Django |
py-django-mptt | | Utilities for implementing Modified Preorder Tree Traversal |
py-django-photologue | | Plug-in photo management application for the Django framework |
py-django-registration | | User-registration application for Django |
py-django-reversion | | Version control facilities for Django |
py-django-sekizai | | Django Template Blocks with extra functionality |
py-django-south | | Intelligent schema and data migrations for Django projects |
py-django-tagging | | Generic tagging application for Django |
py-djangorestframework | | Lightweight REST framework for Django |
py-flask | | Python web microframework |
py-flask-admin | | Simple and extensible administrative interface framework for Flask |
py-flask-flatpages | | Provides flat static pages to a Flask application |
py-flask-frozen | | Freezes a Flask application into a set of static files |
py-flask-login | | User session management for Flask |
py-flask-rest | | Simple REST toolkit for Flask |
py-flask-sqlalchemy | | Adds SQLAlchemy support to your Flask application |
py-flask-uploads | | Flexible and efficient upload handling for Flask |
py-flask-wtf | | Simple integration of Flask and WTForms |
py-flup | | WSGI support modules |
py-gdata | | Google Data API Python client library |
py-genshi | | Python toolkit for generation of output for the web |
py-html5lib (V) | | HTML5 parser and tokenizer |
py-HTMLgen | | Class library for the generation of HTML documents |
py-httplib2 | | Comprehensive http client library for Python |
py-jonpy | | Tools for FastCGI/CGI Python programs |
py-mechanize | | Stateful programmatic web browsing in Python |
py-mezzanine | | Open source content management platform on Django |
py-moin | | MoinMoin, a Python clone of WikiWiki |
py-nevow | | Next-generation web application templating system |